History of the enterprise

Tiraspol Bakery Plant — one of the oldest enterprises in the grain procurement and processing system.

In 1932, the All-Union Association “ZAGOTZERNO” was organized in the USSR, which became the only grain procurer. By 1933, all grain receiving enterprises, including Tiraspol, were united into a single network, which turned 70 years old in 2002.

By order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR No. 10 dated January 5, 1948

“On approval of a network of procurement points, elevators, bases and enterprises of the All-Union Association „YUGOZAGTZERNO“ Tiraspol point „Zagotzerno“ Moldavian office V/O ”YUGOZAGOTZERNO” The Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR was renamed into the Tiraspol Real Base of Grain Products on independent reporting with the Novo-Savitsky subsidiary point on advance reporting.

By order of the Ministry of Production and Procurement of Agricultural Products of the MSSR No. 176 dated June 3, 1964

The Tiraspol real base of the Main Directorate of Bread Products was renamed into the Tiraspol Bakery Plant No. 6, and on January 7, 1972, by Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the MSSR No. 2, Tiraspol KHP No. 6 was merged with nbsp;Tiraspol Feed Mill and renamed in Tiraspol production plant of bakery products.

By Decree of the President of the PMR  No 336   December 30, 1992  

“About change of jurisdiction of the Tiraspol KHP” The Tiraspol Bakery Plant has been accepted under the jurisdiction of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic with departmental subordination to the Ministry of Agriculture of the PMR.

The basis for the creation of the Tiraspol grain receiving enterprise was a storage capacity of up to 5 thousand tons of grain, built in the 20s of the 20th century.

The history of the company began with a small bakery that was opened in the city of Tiraspol back in the 1960s. Over time, the bakery developed and increased its production capacity. In 1996, it was reorganized into CJSC Tiraspol Bakery Plant.

In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and an elevator.

2 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

3 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

4 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

5 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

6 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

7 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

8 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

9 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

10 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

11 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

12 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

13 In the 30–40s, grain storage capacity increased to 15 thousand tons due to the construction of warehouses and elevators.

Today, the Tiraspol Bread Products Plant (TKHP) is the largest vertically integrated closed complex for the production and processing of agricultural crops according to the “field - elevator - processing” principle.