
Tiraspol Bakery Plant, CJSC needs professionals of various profiles who would help it fulfill its strategic objectives.

Tiraspol Bakery Plant, CJSC strives to provide its specialists with the most attractive working conditions. In addition, the company attaches great importance to the professional growth of employees through numerous training programs and active knowledge exchange between employees.

In building relationships with its employees, Tiraspol Bakery Plant, CJSC is guided by the idea that cooperation between the company and its employees should be as comfortable and beneficial as possible for everyone.

Employees are required in the following specialties:

  • Brigadier
  • Подсобный рабочий
  • Прораб
  • Повар
  • Системный администратор
  • Агроном по защите растений
  • Слесарь по ремонту автотранспорта
  • Каменщик, штукатур
  • Слесарь - ремонтник
  • Инженер по автотранспорту
  • Машинист экскаватора
  • Тракторист, механизатор
  • Технолог пищевого производства
  • Менеджер по снабжению
  • Пробоотборщик